Have yous noticed that Facebook videos seem to be getting a lot of attending lately? That's because Facebook video publishing is a great manner to make visual content, get more appointment with your users, and have some fun, too.

Once you have uploaded your video and created your subtitles, you will be faced with many publishing options.

If engagement is your primary goal, and then doing a alive video can become you the all-time results. However, you lot can withal make amazing videos even if you lot don't feel comfy in front of the photographic camera.

Plus, studies show that uploading videos straight to Facebook volition give yous 86% higher attain than posting a link to your video from YouTube or some other hosting platform.

Facebook's new publishing options even give you the chance to preschedule videos that show upwardly as live.

Then, what do all these options mean? And how can you use them to your advantage?

Allow's look at each Facebook video publishing option and encounter which one falls best into your marketing strategy.

Related Mail service: How to Schedule Facebook Posts

Facebook Video Upload vs. Facebook Video Slideshow

The first important distinction is the difference between uploading a video and creating a video slideshow. Facebook has added the feature of creating a quick video that only takes a few minutes using still images that yous accept created.

facebook video options

Upload a video or create a video slideshow for Facebook.

Want to create a slideshow? Information technology is a simple process. First by picking the three-ten images that yous desire to include. You can then choose how long you want each image on the screen. (They will all be the aforementioned corporeality of time.) Then add transitions if you want.

You have the selection to apply royalty-free music that Facebook provides, or you can upload your ain. Make sure you take permission to use any music that you choose!

facebook video options

Choose royalty-free music for your Facebook videos.

Once yous have selected your images and added transitions and music, you publish it just like y'all would whatever other photograph or text mail service. Your options are the same equally for these post types: Publish, schedule, backdate, or save typhoon.

Facebook video publishing options

Choose when to publish your video on Facebook.

From the Facebook algorithm'south standpoint, this doesn't count as a video upload. It is just a fun way to capture moments in a more than unique way!

For example, I have used these to share photos from an event in progress. This gives me a chance to share before we have time to do any editing of the concluding videos. Experience gratis to mix up your posting with this post type. But remember: To become the most power out of your video creation, you will want to make videos and upload them.

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Publish At present

The beginning selection you lot have under "Publishing Options" is "Publish now."

Just like it sounds, this option lets you publish your video to your Facebook page in real-time.

There is a twist, though! Yous will have the choice to schedule it as a regular post or as a new release.

When you select the "new release" option, information technology will bear witness up as a live video. People volition be able to make timed comments, and you lot will go the visibility boost of a live video.

The only reason you would non desire to do this is—if for some reason—people demand to be able to fast forrard to different points in the video or if y'all don't desire existent-fourth dimension commenting.

facebook video publishing

Cull from a video post or new release that makes the video show upward as if it is live.

When you select this option, people can schedule watch parties, and you tin see analytics of how many people are watching information technology at ane time (like yous tin with a live video).

One time people have already watched the video, it will show up equally a regular video post in your news feed.

Publish Your Facebook Video every bit a Premiere

At first glance, "Premiere" and "New Release" might seem like the same thing.

However, some subtle but important differences exist betwixt these Facebook video publishing options.

When y'all select the "Premiere" choice, it has all the advantages of being released every bit a "live" video, but you lot tin can schedule it.

Some other attractive characteristic of using this option is that you lot can create a different custom image (separate from your custom thumbnail) that will show up every bit an announcement postal service. Doing then gives you even more ability to customize how your video shows up to people who are seeing it for the commencement time.

facebook video publishing premiere

Facebook video publishing options

After people watch the video, they will see your custom thumbnail epitome in their newsfeed rather than on the announcement image. (If you are scheduling natively on Facebook, ever make certain to double-check your settings so that you are scheduling it for the correct time zone.)

Schedule Your Facebook Video Mail service

A lot of the options nether "Publishing Options" await like at first glance. Y'all might be tempted to think that "Schedule" is the same equally "Premiere" … only look closer!

The central departure here is that you lot are notwithstanding scheduling your video, but it is not showing as a "alive" video. So, you lot won't have real-time comments or analytics. Y'all as well won't get the visibility and date heave of alive videos.

facebook video publishing schedule

Facebook video publishing schedule

The one additional feature that y'all get with scheduling that is not available in the before options is the power to have your post automatically expire. If you are creating a video that you are going to heave for a limited time offer, this might exist a good option for you to examination.

Backdate Your Facebook Video

Do you take videos that are more relevant to past dates that never got posted? Then yous might desire to backdate them. Doing so can provide historical context to your folio and have videos evidence upwardly in the best order in your timeline.

Facebook video publishing backdating

Facebook video publishing backdating

When you backdate, you can only cull a 24-hour interval, non a time, but information technology will still guild things correctly on your newsfeed. You too accept the option to hibernate the postal service from your newsfeed. It will still be visible on your video tab only not equally people scroll through your timeline.

The last and last option for publishing itself is to "Save as Draft." Practise this to salve all the work you have put in so far if you are non ready to make a decision about which publishing option is right for this video.

Where to Publish Your Video on Facebook

In add-on to the options of how to publish your video, y'all too have control over where to publish. You tin can select one or multiple options depending on your goals for the video and how you plan to share it.

Facebook video publishing, where to post

Where to post your Facebook video

News Feed

If you want to display the video in your news feed, select this option. It allows the video to show up in the timelines of the people who follow your page. (An of import caveat: Like any other post, your attain to your followers will never be 100%.)

You likewise have a second adventure to add an end appointment. This end engagement is a little different than the "expire" selection we talked nigh before. In this case, information technology will still be in your news feed, simply Facebook will stop showing it to new people on their own personal timelines.

Display in Watch

An additional place to get some optics on your video on Facebook is the new(ish) "Lookout" tab. Many influencers are using this space to get their videos in front of a whole new audience.

Don't select the Watch choice if y'all want to keep your viewership limited. If you want as many people equally possible to run across your content, this is an additional distribution channel you might non fifty-fifty be using.

Do you watch on Facebook?

Watch on Facebook

Allow Embedding

Some other way to get more people to see your video is to allow embedding. You can embed the video on your own website (making it piece of cake for people to picket in the context of a web log mail service or other content and direct them dorsum to your Facebook page). And this choice allows others to embed your video on their website.

Add every bit a Secret Video

Is your video for a limited audition simply? When you select "Secret Video," all the other options will no longer be bachelor. This creates a secret link for the video that you lot tin share with select people that you want to view it. The video volition non exist visible anywhere else on Facebook except for the people who accept the link.

Other Facebook Video Publishing Options

Want a couple of more quick things y'all tin do with your videos?

First, you can let other pages that you are an admin on to mail service the video as a native upload to their page as well. This is dissimilar than their sharing it, as information technology shows both pages every bit original sources of the content.

Facebook video publishing options

Cull from diverse Facebook video publishing options.

You can also choose to turn off comments and/or live comments. About of the time, you actually want comments and reactions as getting dandy engagement is 1 of the best parts of using video on your Facebook page, but the selection is at that place.

Last, but not least, you tin connect your video to a non-profit straight, then people can donate to that cause. If you are trying to build sensation of a non-turn a profit, this can be a great option.

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New Facebook Video Publishing Options You Need to Know